Thursday, December 26, 2013

Difference between digital marketing and social media

Difference between digital marketing and social media

The difference between digital marketing and social media is simply that social media is part of digital marketing. Many people believe that by engaging on social media they are doing digital marketing but this is not 100% true as their are many more components that make up a digital marketing campaign.

What is digital marketing?

My definition of Digital marketing is: Building awareness and promoting a brand or product using all available digital channels.
The major components of digital marketing are:
Internet Marketing – Web, SEM (search engine marketing – includes SEO and Pay per click advertising), smartphones, mobile markets (i.e. Google Play, Apple Store), email marketing, online banner advertising and Social Media.
Non-Internet digital channels – Television, Radio, SMS, digital billboards (indoor and outdoor)
The diagram above shows exactly the relationship of the different components that make up digital marketing.

What is social media?

Social media is the latest buzz word in Internet Marketing the last couple of years. The success of the new generation of social media platforms, mainly Facebook and Twitter, changed the way we socialize, interact, shop and has also brought new channels to digital marketing as well.
Social media is the term we use to describe platforms that bring people together for the exchange of information. The most popular social media platforms are: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Tumblr, LinkedIn, StumbleUpon and YouTube.
Some interesting statistics about social media:
To get a better idea of the impact social media has on marketing, have a look at these 10 interesting statistics:
What are the advantages of using social media in your marketing campaigns?
There are many advantages of utilizing social media for promoting both your online or offline products and services.
  • It’s a fast way to spread the word – If you have a big fan base, you can tweet or post on Facebook and your message can instantly go to thousands of users around the World. In fact social media is the fastest way (even from TV and Radio) to make an announcement or spread a message.
  •  It’s good for SEO – There are more and more signs that social signals are used for ranking purposes by both Google and Bing. Properly defined social profiles can also boost SEO.
  •  It’s a trend – Social media is a trend you cannot ignore if you want to stay close to your customers and in synch with the latest developments in marketing.
  • It’s one of the ways to interact with your customers and find out what they want – With social media your customers can show that they like a product or piece of content by voting (Like, Tweet, +1) , commenting and sharing. As a marketer you can analyze these statistics, talk with your customers and find out how to make your products, content or services better.

Digital marketing VS Social media

It should be clear after reading the above definitions that social media is a major component of Internet Marketing which is part of Digital marketing. If we compare the two side by side we will find that:
  •    Digital marketing goes beyond the Internet and tries to reach people in the off-line world using digital means while social media is limited to the boundaries of the Internet.
  •   A Digital marketing campaign may include one or more components (Internet Advertising, Mobile ads, TV, SMS etc.) while a social media strategy may include one or more social media platforms (Facebook, twitter etc.)
  •   Social media is strongly associated with a content strategy i.e. you create content and use social media to promote it while a digital marketing can concentrate entirely on banners (either on the Internet, TV or billboards) for promotion.

Which is more important digital marketing or social media?

It depends on the type of brand, products or services you want to promote. There are cases where other forms of digital marketing will be more appropriate to build awareness than social media. Social media is a must of every product, brand or service that has a wide audience.
For example if you are selling a software product, social media can help you find new customers, educate your existing customers (by sending them tips and tricks) and keep them informed about new updates, upcoming releases etc. If on the other hand, you are selling custom tools for farmers you can use social media as a resource to find out more about the products but your main selling point will be billboard ads on rural areas and Radio ads.

What is social media marketing?

Social media marketing is the process of promoting a product or service through the various social media channels. In general there are two ways to perform a social media marketing campaign. The first way is free and has to do with building followers, fans or connections by sharing useful content, running contests and generally engaging with your users.
The second way is through paid advertising. You can use Facebook ads, Google Adwords or Twitter promoted accounts to advertise your product or services on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter respectively.
Are social media marketing campaigns successful?
There is the misconception that social media traffic does not convert but latest statistics show otherwise.
The success or failure of any campaign depends on many factors including the experience of the digital marketing consultant so choose wisely.

What does a typical digital marketing campaign includes?

While the digital marketing components are a lot, a typical campaign includes mostly items from the Internet Marketing family. It is very common to see a promotional campaign with:
  • Search Engine Marketing – Either through content strategy and SEO or through Paid Search Advertising (Adwords)
  • Social media promotions – paid advertising on Facebook, promotion on Twitter, Pinterest and Google+.
  • Mobile market promotions – Development of native apps and submission to the Google Play and Apple Store
  • Email marketing – Promotion of products or services through email marketing campaigns


It is important to know the differences between the different marketing theories so that you can select the most appropriate tools to use in your campaigns. Digital marketing is the future of marketing and will gradually gain more ground in the online and offline World. Social media on the other hand, is the new way to connect with other people, it is part of digital marketing and it’s here to chance the way we find new customers and promote our products.

Contact Us:-
91-22-32095052 / 91-22-25327553 /

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Social media: Where should your small business start?

Face Book? YouTube? Linked IN? Twitter? Pinterest? Instagram?
Lots to explore but where to START!
Although every audience is different, there are a few very general guidelines to help you start to consider what social-media networks to use for your small business.

  •         Company: B2C, socially responsible, community-oriented, has an established brand, client stories that can be shared publicly — stories that have changed lives, competition/partners/vendors using Facebook successfully now, products/services are experiential, addictive, fun and/or have a social element associated with how they are used, actively participates in events.
  •        Goals: brand awareness, deeper connections with existing buyers, achieve a new customer service channel, recruiting, share behind-the-scenes details about the people behind your company, raise awareness about a social issue, develop a personality and voice for your brand, improve a poor brand image, identify brand ambassadors.
  •       Target: ages 18-55, slightly more women.

  •          Company: I believe any company can use Twitter successfully. Yet there are a few types of companies that may really excel in this network for different reasons. Use the same description as Facebook; yet add B2B, have senior level employees (and/or experts, celebrity-types) already active on Twitter, have a specific target list of potential clients, sell products/services around a timely event or “happening now” kind of thing (emergency/catastrophe services such as hurricanes), highly event-oriented, entertainment/news/media-related.
  •          Goals: customer service, search-engine marketing, direct relationship sales, competitive intelligence gathering, develop PR-type relationships with media personalities, event-triggered selling, event-related promotions.
  •          Target: under 50 (mostly 18-29), famous or well-known, media types, early adopters, urban residents, African-Americans.

  •          Company: B2B does particularly well here, long sales cycles, relationship selling, has a specific expertise in any area of business.
  •          Goals: Industry expertise development and awareness, niche development, recruiting, competitive analysis, direct and indirect prospecting, prospect research, sales, business development, industry partner development, dealer/re-seller/franchise sales, buyer qualification, building and maintaining a business network with up-to-date contact information.
  •          Target: professionals in many parts of the world 23-70, male, IT professionals were the early building blocks of LinkedIn, senior-level executives at the enterprise level, business owners, decision-makers, income over $75,000, college educated.

Google Plus (g+):
  •          Company: marketing, technology, creative, gaming, Internet products and services, e-commerce, virtual work force.
  •          Goals: search-engine optimization, authorship-status in the search engines (your picture shows up!), reach a technology-driven male population, not be left behind by Google and its powerful ability to make or break us online, expertise development for search marketing purposes.
  •          Target: mostly technology affiliated males 18-34.

  •          Company: image-driven products and services like interiors, fashion, beauty, landscape, architecture, plus e-commerce sites have benefited.
  •          Goals: drive traffic to a website, showcase work, build a digital brand, e-commerce.
  •          Target: women under 50, white, some college.

How to know where your customers are:
If we’re talking purely platform, you have to go where your audience is hanging out. Figure that out by asking your customers through a platform like SurveyMonkey. Monitor hashtags, influencers, and blogs that are already in your arena. Often your front-line sales associates can help uncover this information.

For example, an engineering firm might find it best to join and actively participate in related industry forums, LinkedIn groups and blogs. An interior designer or hair stylist might post lots of photos on Pinterest.

If you’re in retail, you’ll likely spend most of your time engaging and harvesting good interaction on Facebook, Pinterest, and even Instagram these days. For B2B, join LinkedIn groups, learn Google+, and build your Twitter lists if you’re a well-connected thought leader with a solid professional or “personal” brand.

Of course, all of this needs to drive back to something you really own that can have a long-term presence. Get your blog up and running and commit to posting regularly (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly), based on some kind of “content calendar.”

Get the blog integrated with your main website — and it with your platforms.
There’s a tendency to think you have to be on every platform out there. The fact is, you can’t manage every platform and make them scream results all the time. This is especially true as a small business. You just don’t have the manpower or time. So, as I said — go to where your audience is and master that platform.

Talk to Digikraf to initialize Social Media Services in Thane Mumbai today!

About Digikraf

Digikraf is Social Media Marketing Company Thane, Mumbai offers best Internet Marketing and Social Media Marketing Solutions for all business firms.
We also Provide Search Engine Marketing Services in Thane, Mumbai.

Contact Us:-
Tel: 91-22-32095052 / 


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Why use Social Media for your organization?

What did you learn from the God of Marketing- a certain Philip Kotler? The 4 Ps of marketing- Product, Place, Price and Promotions. With a right mix of these four, you have your marketing plan in place. Can we use the same rules for targeting your customers now? Try explaining these concepts to an 18 year old and be prepared to face ridicule.
The traditional lifestyles of people have changed- Is your target audience still reading printed newspapers or magazines? Are they still watching that one popular show where the entire family gathers on a Sunday morning? So where are they then? On the world wide web- probably liking or sharing a post on face book, enquiring regarding finding accommodation on twitter, commenting on a movie review posted on a blog, repining an amazing dress design they saw on their pinboard or watching an advertisement released on you tube.

What you can do with Social Media

  •  First, social media can be used for marketing. It can be used for building awareness, demand and lead creation and all this at relatively low costs. It also increases customer engagement, dialogue and advocacy. This can be done through rich content, social category and social networking platforms.
  •  Second, social media can be used for talent management. It can be used for recruiting new talent and training employees. This can be achieved using rich content and social networking platforms.
  • Third, social media can be used for project management. It can be used to share content and find experts when needed. This can be achieved by using real-time content and social networking platforms.
  • Fourth, social media can be used for innovation. It can be used for crowd sourcing ideas from customers, suppliers and employees. This can be achieved using social networking platforms. 

10 big reasons why Social Media Marketing is critical for your organization. 

1.    Indian internet users have already crossed Cable and Satellite TV households. Social media users will cross soon too. Not only are users increasing, the average time spent on the net (esp. on SCM sites like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and LinkedIn) is also on the rise. Social is the fastest growing digital medium and it makes complete sense to catch the prospective customers where they are.
2.    The costs involved are miniscule as compared to traditional media. (Sometimes free!).  You don’t need large budgets – what is more important is your content. Are you worth a retweet/ share/ going viral? Are you engaging enough?
3.    You are not dependent on an external medium – you are your own publisher.  You thus have greater control over the content and timing.
4. It is multidimensional. You can use the tools of social media in various tools of Marketing viz. Research, CRM, Brand building, PR, Sales, Investor Relations, Analysis, Direct Marketing, Tracking, Promotions and the works.
5. There is greater scope for integration.  Social Media is not a standalone tool. One of the primary advantages of using social media marketing is that you obtain numerous links to your website and blog from multiple sources.  Also, if integrated intelligently with mainstream marketing tools, it will help manifold to enhance your brand.
6. It is fast. Gone are the days when you prepared months in advance to release an advertisement. Ads are now created within hours, sometimes minutes as well. Case in point- the Oreo ad during Super Bowl blackout.
7. Many of us rely on reviews on social media sites before we buy a product or service. It is the fastest growing and one of the most reliable word of mouth medium.  If you are listening to the consumers, it can also serve as a great research tool to find out what your customers like about you and what are the grey areas.
8. India is a young nation. More than half of its 1.2 billion people is aged below 25, and two-thirds below 35. 85% of young India is hooked on to some or more social networking sites. Do the math and you know why it is important to be active on Social Media.
9. It’s a great tool for cultivating a community and drive engagement.
10. The opportunity to manage your reputation is immense. You can respond to complaints in a timely manner, encourage people to talk about their good experiences with your company and keep an eye on what is being said about you in general.
Though the merits are many, all is not shiny as far as social media is concerned. There are challenges as well. If not managed well, reputation built over the years can shatter in days. It may cost millions, topple governments, tarnish reputation/ brand.  Nevertheless the attraction of using social media is huge. Widest reach at negligible costs makes it worthwhile to be present.

Contact us today for SMO – Social Media Optimization in Thane Mumbai today.

About Digikraf
Digikraf specialises in Strategic Internet & Social Media Marketing solutions:
  • Social media marketing (social network marketing in facebook, myspace and other leading social network, social bookmarking, and online community websites)
  • Viral marketing - email and viral internet marketing
  • Email marketing - email lists, newsletter design
  • Video marketing
  • Movie, television and feature film Internet marketing
  • Microsite web development
  • Marketing website development

Contact Us:- 
91-22-32095052 / 91-22-25327553 /

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

From iPad mini to Galaxy Note: Which Tablet Is Right for You?

Fast-forward to 2013 and the situation is a bit different. Not only are there multiple iPad devices to choose from, there are a host of iPad alternatives worth looking at too.
So which tablet is right for you? We've put together the below flow chart to help you get in the right frame of mind for choosing the perfect tablet. The goal of this chart is to help you start thinking about the criteria that are most important to you in a tablet.

We start with size and then proceed on to budget. After that point, the question centers around what type of tasks you like to do with your tablet.
If your focus is primarily on content consumption, a Kindle Fire might be a great choice. If you want to use a precision stylus, consider the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 Edition. For users who want a good general tablet with tons of apps and support, it's still hard to beat the iPad. Are you a big Android fan? The Nexus 7 is a great tablet at a great price.

View the Infographic for more details


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 Digikraf - 91-22-32095052 / 25327553 /

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